We've opened Bazar Desportivo's new and largest shop in Santo Tirso

18 September 2024

We've opened Bazar Desportivo's new and largest shop in Santo Tirso

We've opened Bazar Desportivo's new and largest shop in Santo Tirso

TheBazar Desportivo Group, which owns the Bazar Desportivo and BZR brands, is celebrating 50 years of history. To mark this very special date, on Saturday 14th September we opened the doors of our new Bazar Desportivo shop in the city of Santo Tirso. This is now the group's newest shop, but it is also the largest of them all, and stands out for its strategic location in the city centre.

However, before we tell you all about this opening, let's briefly share our history.

The history of Grupo Bazar Desportivo

Grupo Bazar Desportivo was born in 1974 in the city of Santo Tirso, where we opened our first shop and became a pioneering brand in the sector, standing out as a benchmark in the sports and fashion trade.

Over the years, we achieved great local recognition and quickly realised that it made sense to expand our brand to other cities in the north of the country. It was then that we began our expansion, making our presence felt in neighbouring towns where the name Bazar Desportivo was already well known.

Today, divided between the Bazar Desportivo and BZR shops, we have 14 physical shops in various locations in the north of the country, including Santo Tirso, Vila Nova de Famalicão, Braga, Barcelos, Guimarães, Póvoa de Varzim, Paços de Ferreira and Porto, as well as our online shop. We are proud to have around 100 employees and to make a significant contribution to the local economy in the cities where we are present, always maintaining our mission of continuous growth and expansion.

The opening night

Now that you know a little about our 50-year history, we can start telling you all about this important step in our journey.

Starting with the events of Friday 13 September, the date of the inauguration of our new space, the event was attended by our employees, close friends, YouTuber Nuno Agonia, who brought a lot of good cheer, DJ Sineiro, who provided us with excellent ambient music, and artist Luís, who surprised us by customising some of our sneakers models.

It was a memorable event, which also included the spontaneous participation of passers-by who couldn't resist joining in the celebration.

The opening to the public

Finally, on 14 September, we officially opened the doors of our new shop to the public, and we can say that it was a great day!

As well as visits from some digital influencers, the opening was marked by a huge turnout from the local public, who filled the shop, showing great enthusiasm for this new space, which is now the largest shop in the Bazar Desportivo group.

Finally, we invite all those who were unable to attend the opening to visit us in this new space, where you can find the latest news from the world of sport and the latest fashion trends, with the big brands you're already used to.

We're counting on you to continue growing together, following trends and creating history, value and good memories for the city of Santo Tirso. Visit us at Largo Coronel Baptista Coelho, 93, in the former Millennium BCP premises in Santo Tirso.

shop directions

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